Ramngaw leh a Zirna

Ramngaw neih zauh avanga hmingţha Mizote hian ramngaw enkawl dan te, a dimdawi dan te, hman ţangkai dan te kan thiam tawk lo hle mai a, ţawngka lama kan ngaihhlut ang aiin a takah kan ngaihlu tawk lo fo ţhin niin a lang. Hemi kawngah hian nasa lehzuala inzirtir kan ngai a, mipui te, tlawmngai pawl hrang hrang te leh Sorkar lama hemi changtu Department te phei chu nasa lehzuala an thawhho a pawimawh awm e.

Kum 1992 chhoa CYMA-in kumpuana Nungcha Humhalh a hman khan nasa takin nghawng a nei a, ramngaw hlutna kan hriatthar phah a, nungcha te hlutna pawh kan hriatthar leh phah niin a lang. Pi-Pute hunlai aţang tawha ramngaw leh ramsate thiam taka enkawl ţhin, Mizote hian kan hnam zia rang kan pensan nasat ber chu ramngaw leh nungcha te chunga ngilneihna lantir hi a ni awm e. Finna leh thiamna lo sang zelah rawmngaw humhalh kawngah harhtharna kan chang leh mêk a, a lawmawm tak zet a ni. Khawtlangin ramngaw an humhalh tam tak a awm a, chungho chu ngaw ţha tak, hawi khawthawnna atana remchang tak, khaw cheimawitu, nugchate tana tualchaina ţha tak a ni ta hlawm. Neitu nihna thinlung puin mahni khaw ta ţheuh chu uluk leh dimdawi takin kan enkawl mai a, khawdang ta leh Sorkar plantation te kan hlut lutuklo ţhin erawh hma kan sawnna tur kawng pawimawh a ni awm e.

Mizoramah hian ramngaw zau tak tak a awm a, ramngaw bawn tak erawh a tam tawh lo niin Indian State of Forest Report 2017 (ISFR 2017) chuan a tarlang a. Chutih rual chuan India rama ramngaw nei zau ber te zinga mi erawh kan la ni chhunzawm reng bawk. Heng kan ramngaw neih te hi uluk leh zuala kan zirchiana, a nihphung, a awm dan, kiam chhan leh pun theih dan tur, hman ţangkai dan tur te kan ngaihtuah nasat deuh deuh a ţul awm e. Chumi ti tur chuan mithiam neih a pawimawh a, chutiang mi chherchhuak thei tura hmalak a ngai a, chumi lama mithiam te chu Sorkar pawhin a hman ţangkai an ngai bawk.

Ramngaw enkawl dan zirna

Ramngaw enkawl dan lam hawi zirna hi Forestry an ti a, United Nations hnuaia Food and Agriculture Organisation pawhin Forestry lam zirtirna leh research hi nasa takin a kalpui a, Department hran a siam hial bawk. Kum 1990 khan NEHU chuan Mizoram Campus-ah Forestry zirna bul a ţan a, hun engemaw chen chu India Hmarchhak lama Forestry zirna sang (MSc) zir theihna awmchhun a ni nghe nghe. Mizoram University a nih hma aţanga vawiin thlengin ramngaw enkawl dan zir mi engemaw zat a chherchhuak tawh a, Mizoram leh India ram hmun hrang hrang aţanga zirlai te an ni. Mizoram University-a Department of Forestry vêk hian PhD pawh eng emaw zat a chherchhuak tawh bawk.

A sang lama zirna changtlung leh ngelnghet tak kan neih laiin, a bulţhut zirna Mizorama pakhat te mah kan la neilo hi erawh a pamhmai deuh. Forestry zirna hi ţhuanghnihin a kal a, Under Graduate (UG) hi Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR) hnuaiah a awm a, professional degree course niin kum li zir a ni a BSc (Hons) Forestry degree pek ţhin an ni. Post Graduate (PG) hi ICAR leh UGC hnuaiah (a university a zirin) awmin kum 2 zir a ni thung a, an zir zawhah MSc Agro-Forestry emaw MSc Forestry degree emaw pek ţhin an ni. Mizoram University a Forestry zirna hi UGC hnuaia awm a ni a, ICAR-in a pawmpui leh hriatpui a ni bawk a, zirchhuak te hi MSc Forestry degree pêk ţhin an ni. Tin, MZU bakah hian Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE) hnuaiah Forest Research Centre for Bamboo and Rattan (FRCBR) kan nei bawk a. Hei erawh a nawlpui tana zirna hmun nilovin Scientist rual ten an zirbingna hmun tura duan a ni. Scientist thawk erawh mi pahnih emaw chauh an awm thung.

image courtesy: http://www.fao.org/international-day-of-forests/en/

India Hmarchhakah hian Agriculture kaihhnawih zirna hrang hrang kan nei a, state hrang hrangah zirna kan neih dan a inanglo fur a, a ram a zirin zir tur hi an thlang ni awm tak a ni. UG-a Forestry zirna hi India Hmarchhakah hian pahnih (2) a awm a, Arunachal Pradesh-ah ve ve awmin, NERIST-leh Pasighat-ah a awm a. Pasighat-ah hian College of Horticulture and Forestry tiin, Central Agriculture University hnuaiah a awm a, kum 2001-a din a ni. Arunachal Pradesh pawh hi Mizoram ang bawka tlangram, ramngaw nei ţha êm êm an ni a, hetiang zirna pahnih ngawt an nei pawh hi a mawh love. Chutihrual chuan an ramngaw leh a kaihhnawih zir bingna ang chi erawh a ram mi te zirchhuah a awm manglo thung hi an vanduaina a ni.

Mizoram leh Forestry zirna

Mizoram pawh hi ramngaw kan neih ţhat dan te leh kan ramngawin enkawl a mamawh zia ngaihtuah chuan Forestry bulţhut zirna hi a tlem berah pahnih emaw tal chu nei ve awma mawi kan ni. UGC hnuai a nih loh avangin College pangngaia dah ngawt a remchanglo thung. Mahse Mizoramah ngei, Central Agriculture University (CAU) hnuaiah College of Horticulture kan neih ve tak avangin Forestry zirna bulţhut kan neih ve theih dan kawng hi awm se a duhawm tak zet a ni. Horticulture College behchhanin, College of Horticulture and Forestry tiin emaw a tihlen theih ngeiin a rinawm. Mizoram University-ah Department hlun tak a nih sa avangin Forestry Garduate te tan zir chhunzawmna turah buaina a awm lo bawk. Kan ramngaw neih te kan humhalh a, enkawl dan kan thiam theihna tura rahbi pawimawh tak a ni ngei ang. Mipui te zirtir thei tura inzirthiam tur mihring chherchhuahna kawng pawimawh tak a nih dawn avangin State sorkar pawhin hemi kawngah hian ţan la se a duhawm hle bawk. Tin, State Forest Service leh Indian Forest Service-ah te pawh hian Forestry lama thiamna nei ngei te a tam thei ang an luh hi duhthusam a ni a; National Forest Policy 1988 (NFP 1988) pawhin chutiang tak chuan kawng a hawng bawk, ngaihpawimawh erawh a hlawh lem hlei lo a.

Mizoramah hian Forestry zirna bulţhut hi nei ila, Forestry lama mithiam hi tun aia tam chhuak se, ramngaw enkawl chungchangah pawh kan ţhahnemngaihna hian nasa lehzualin awmzia a neih a rinawm bawk. Kum khata thing kan phun zat zo zai te hi a tam hle, amaherawhchu thingphunna hun leh hmun fu zan lo avanga a nih tur ang ni lo, ţhang mumal theilo leh zuih ral hi a tam zawk a ni tih chu a chiang reng mai. Chutiang zelin, kan ram mite ei leh bar zawnna bulpui pakhat lo neih te pawh Forestry zirna huangchhunga Agroforestry system an tih hnuaia mi a ni a, sawt zawk leh hlawk zawka thlai kan thar a, kan lo hmun te kan enkawl a, chul kan tih hrin leh theih dan tur pawh hi Forestry thiamna hmanga zawnchhuah theih a ni. Policy engemaw, scientific research mumal awmsilova a ler atanga inthuai buaihna tur chi ruahman fo ai hi chuan a bulthut atanga zirchian a, a zirchiang tur mithiam chherchhuah a, hman ţangkai hi a sawngsawhlawt zawkin a rinawm fo ţhin.

Ramngaw aţanga kan thil dawn leh hmuh te hi sawi dawn ila sawi sen a ni hauh lovang. A tlangpui chu kan hre deuh vek bawk awm e. Kan tan a ţangkai êm êm, a enkawl dan leh a chhawr ţangkai dan kan thiam fumfe siloh hi kan hman ţangkai lehzual theihna tura mipui te kaihruaia, zirtir thei tur mithiam kan mamawh a.  Chutiang mi chherchhuahna tur hmun chu kan tuallaiah ngei kan neih hi kan chanvo a ni. Central Sorkar duh danin (NFP 1988) kan rama thing leh mau te nasa taka humhalh a ni a, mimal huan leh rama kan thingphun te pawh a neitu ten an duh duha an seng theihloh tura khuahkhirh a ni bawk a, tin, riverine reserve avangin kan rama leiţha deuh lai chu vantlang tana hman theih a ni meuh lo bawk. Central sorkarin “state lenzawng aţanga teha za a 60 (60%) hi ramngaw a ni tur a ni,” a tih laiin Mizoram hi chuan 86.3% zet mai rawmngaw kan nei thung (ISFR 2017). Hengte avang pawh hian ramngaw enkawl lama mithiam chherchhuahna tur Forestry College min pêk hi Central Sorkar pawh hian a ba vein a lang.

Ramngaw humhalh hi mahni chauh emaw, tlawmngai pawl chauhin emaw, sorkar chauhin emaw a a vei hian a sawt mawh a, ţanho ngai chi a ni. Pawngpaw humhalh ringawt hian a chhehvela cheng te eizawnna kawng tam takah a tihţhuanawp theih avangin ramngaw enkawl dan mumal tak neih a ngai a, sorkar dan awmsa bawhchhe silo a mipui te ei bar zawnna atan pawha ţangkai tho si a enkawl a ngai fo ţhin. Chu’ng hunah chuan a zirmi te, mithiam te an pawimawh ţhin. Zirna hi a chepakai aţanga a dik a ngai a, a ler a ţhuai ringawt lova a bulţhut aţanga thiamna ngelnghet a awm theihna turin zirna bulţhut neih ţhat a pawimawh a, chutiang Forestry lam zirna bulţhut chu UG (College) aţanga inţan a nih miau avangin Mizoram hian kan mamawh tak zet a ni.

International Day of Forest 2019

March 21 hi “International Day of Forest,” World Forestry Day tia an sawi bawk, ramngaw hlutna leh pawimawhna inzirtir tharna ni atan United Nations General Assembly-in a puang a, kum 2012 aţang khan kumtin hman ţhin a ni. He ni pawimawh tak hi thupui bik neia hman ţhin a ni a. Heng thupui te hi Collaborative Partnership on Forests (ram hrang hranga ramngaw humhalh kawnga thawkho pawl) ten an thlang ţhin a; kumin thupui atan “Rawmngaw leh Zirna” (Forests and Education) tih chu thlan a ni a, a tum ber chu “ramngaw enkawl dan mumal zawkin a ţha zawnga nghawng a neih dan” inzirtir thar a ni ber awm e. World Forestry Day atana March 21 thlan a nih kher chhan hi chhun leh zan rei zawng a inchen ni, “spring equinox” a nih vang a ni bawk.

[Vanglaini Vol. XXXIV No. 66 March 21, 2019-ah tihchhuah a ni]

On the Top of Mizoram: A Royal Ascend

‎Aizawl to Sangau

It was Dec. 5th, 2012 05:30 a.m., I was awakened by the most irritating tone of all…an alarm! Waking up at such an hour in a winter morning was not in my routine, if not for a very special occasion. The previous night, I packed my backpacks, keeping everything ready for an early morning Royal ride. As usual, camera, tripod, gps, ors, chocolate, country made knife, torch,  a puan-nuam embedded in a sleeping bag etc. were in my bag. Since it was winter, no insect repellent cream was required. Tent was with B-a.

Firing my ride, I head on to our RV at Ngaizel. My friend B-a, with whom I’ll be traveling was from the West end of the city while I’m from the East end, and we’re heading south. B-a soon arrived. Filling up our fuel, we move ahead towards our destination. The plan was to reach Sangau as early as possible; which is around 230 Km from Aizawl. We took the World Bank road, and at Chalkhan we take a left turn  towards Serchhip. At Sailiamkawn, my partner was stopped by the Assam Rifle Jawans. He was also equipped with knife, camera, gps and other gadgets, may be those looks suspicious. After a while he joined me again. I don’t know why was I not stopped! After having our meal at Keitum, we continued. It was almost 02:00 p.m. when we reached the Tuipui D, where we had to wait for our Royal Enfield to be ferried accross the Chhimtuipui by a mar-boat.

At the Tuipui D pier, waiting for the mar-boat

The mar-boat service there had a special guidelines that made us to wait until two LMV arrived.

Vehicles were ferried by a mar-boat

Suspension Bridge for pedestrian

The mar-boat service here at Tuipui D is the life-line of the South-Eastern Mizoram. The service is operated by the BRTF, 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily except on Sunday. A pedestrian suspension bridge across the river was the only other option available, then.

During monsoon, when mar-boat service is not available, passengers transit, walking across the suspension bridge, catching another vehicle on the other side.

After waiting for a while, finally the mar-boat landed. We loaded our bobber, waiting for others to turn up. In less than 2 minutes, we were ferried across.

Finally we hop on, another vehicles joined us

The areas around the Tuipui D pier had been protected by the Villagers; as we transverse the river, a school of fish swum around the boat. It was so fascinating that I forgot to click a picture of them fishes!

From Tuipui D, The road to Sangau was mostly on the eastern slope of the hillocks, which make it kinda chilly. The moment when we were on the sunnier side, we have to stopped by, exposed and warm up ourselves. After reaching South Vanlaiphai, a Village next to Darzo, the sun was almost setting. The road was re-surfaced, which left lots of pebbles and made it difficult to ride swiftly. When we arrived at Sangau, it was already dark. We headed straight to our host, who was the relative of my partner.

Ticket Counter at Thaltlang

Sangau to Phawngpui

The next morning i.e., Dec. 6, 2012, we continued our journey, driving towards Farpak, the last point where a vehicle could reach. Since my partner had a permission from the CWW, to conduct his research at Phawngpui, we very oftenly had a field work there, hence, the workers were also familiar with us.

At the entrance of the core area of the Phawngpui National Park

Ascending ~ 500m with a Royal bobber was one hell of an experience. It was a fair weather road. That was not the hurdle, though. But the steepness was. From Thaltlang to Farpak, it was not more than 6 Km. Had we measure the slope percentage, it would definitely be 100% and above.

Finally, we arrived at the Farpak, we parked our bobber at the Old Rest House. We filled our gallon and bottles with water, gearing up for another 7Km uphill trek. The elevation at Farpak was ~1900m and our destination, the peak, was 2157m msl. Since it was not our first time, we were well aware of the patrolling path.

A narrow path, midway across Farpak to Phawngpui peak

Since there was no water-bodies near the peak, we had to carry maximum amount of water, and that put on another weight. On the way to the peak, sometimes, you have to crawl beneath the clumps of Schizostachyum fuchsianum. And sometimes, through the tall and thick grasses.

Rest to regain 😀

It took us 3½ hrs to reach the peak. Setting up the tent and igniting a fire were the first priorities. After which, we started our work.

Our camp at the summit

A night at the peak

An early morning portrait 😁

A view from the peak: Siachangkawn Village in the mid-bottom; Lungtian Village at the rigth extreme corner. Siaha town flooded by a mist.

On the top of Mizoram

I was accompanying my Phenologist friend. The main purpose of the trip was phenology. My comrade, B-a, how we call him, was pursuing his doctoral research on the phenological aspects of Rhodondendron vernacularly termed as “Chhawkhlei” in Mizo. Phawngpui National Park (PNP) is one of the few places where Rhododendron grows in the wild, here in Mizoram. Apart from PNP, it is also found at Tualcheng, Champhai, Ţan tlang, Lurh tlang, Farkawn and East Khankawn. The genus is confined in the Eastern highlands of the state.

Manipulating the polination of a Rhododendron vaechiatinum

Even though I often accompanied him on his field work, I have very limited knowldege of phenological sciences. What we usually did, as I could recollect, was covering the buds of a Rhododendron with a net, so as to manipulate its pollination; In a pixelated terminology, they might termed it hacking the pollination 😁. Most of the time, I was his photographer and his personal body guard. He was better in cooking, hence he cooked, while I’m better in chopping and splitting fuel woods, which I did. Like wise, we assisted each other.

Bud of R. arborea

There were at least three different species of Rhodendron at PNP. As far as my understanding is concerned, these species grows in a very specific ecosystem. Survival rate and regeneration rate is also very low. Dormancy also is long. Wildfires often threatened its survival.


Phawngpui National Park (PNP) is one of the 10 protected areas, and one of the two National Parks of Mizoram, it covers an area of 50 Km². Entry is permitted after paying necessary fees. However, collection of specimen, cutting of plants, killing, snaring and catching of wild animals are strictly prohibited. For research purpose, permission has to be acquired from EF&CC, GoM. Entering the Park without a guide is also prohibited.

Fading glory … A dry Saiburh flower…one of the most common herb at Farpak.

Two Royals at Farpak

Homeward bound

We were done! We’re homeward bound. Trekking downhill and riding downhill were equally uncomfortable. As long as the wheel rotate, it was fine, but there were moments when the wheel could not rotate but slide on the pebbles. After carefully riding downhill, we finally managed to reach Thaltlang. We halt a night at Sangau; the next morning we continue our journey back home.

Homeward bound

At Tuipui D, it was the same ol’ story, waiting for the mar boat and two other LMV. But this time, it was an HMV that turned up.

A Royal pose at the Mar boat on our way back.

After an intensive research work for years, the Mizoram University finally awarded him a Doctorate degree. You can reach him here https://www.facebook.com/malsawm.kima.7

Mau Malsawmna

Khawvela hnam chi hrang tam tak zinga mau leh rua buaipui nasa ber te zinga mi chu Mizote hi kan ni awm e. Keini ang bawkin India hmarchhaka hnam hrang hrang te leh Asia rama hnam hrang hrang, a bikin Asia chhim chhak lam hnam te pawhin an hmang ṭangkaiin an buaipui nasa hle a. Mau leh rua pawh chi hrang an ngah hle bawk. Kan hnam azirin kan hman dan a inanglo a, deh-hnanga kan  themthiam dan pawh a inthlau viau bawk.

Sihphir Puansen ram-ah hian dan lovin khua din a ni a, a vel ramngaw a chereu nasa hle. Nasa taka an beih hnuah Sihphir khawtlang chuan dan lova awm te an um chhuaka, sanctuary atan an cheibawlin an humhalh ta a, reilote chhungin ramngawah, mau hmun ṭha takah a lo chang leh ta

India ramah hian mau leh rua (tun aṭang chuan mau tiin kan sawi tawh ang) chi hrang 125 (tualṭo) leh 11 (lakluh) a awm ni a ngaih a ni a, heng mau leh rua hrang hrang te ṭona hmun belhkhawm hi 156866 sq. Km zeta zau a ni (SFR 2017). India hi khawvela mau leh rua ngah berte zinga mi niin, China dawttu ni a sawi a ni a, a ngah ber anga sawi an awm bawk. India ramah chuan India hmarchhak, leh West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh te leh Chhim thlang lam hi mau leh rua ṭona hmunpui a ni a, India Hmarchhak state hrang hrang a awmna hmun hi India rama mau hmun awm zat za a 32 zet a ni thung (SFR 2017).

Mizoram dinhmun

Mizoramah hian mau leh raw lam chi tualṭo 25 leh lakluh 10 a awm nia ngaih a ni bawk (E&F 2010). Mizorama mau zingah “Mautak” (Melocanna baccifera) a tam ber a, mau lam chi kan neih za a sawmkua zet hi mautak nia ngaih a ni. Rawṭhing, Rawnal leh Phulrua te hi Mautak tihlohah chuan a tam ber te zinga mi a ni. Kum 2009 khan Forest Research Institute (FRI) lama mithiam Dr. HB Naithani-a leh a hoten Mizoram aṭangin mau chi thar, khawvel hmundang aṭanga report a la awm lo – Talan (Bambusa mizorameana) leh Dampa mau (Bambusa dampaeana) an hmuchhuaka (Naithani et. al. 2009, 2010), ‘talan’ hi chu Mizoten kan hriatṭhan sa pangngai a ni; anmahni vêk hian Manipur ramah ‘talan’ an hmuh thu an tarlang bawk.

State of Forest Report 2017-in a tarlan danin Mizorama mau ṭona hmun zawng zawng hi belhkhawmin 3267 sq. Km a ni a, report hmasa, SFR 2011 aiin 5978 sq. Km zetin kan mau hmun a kiam thung. Hei hi a chhan chhui chian ngai tak a ni. Kum 2006 chhoa mautam aṭangin mau chi hrang hrang a tah tawlin a tam chhho zel a, mautak, phulrua leh rawthla te a tam a, kum 2012 aṭangin rawnal a tam ṭan ve leh a, tun thlengin a la tam chhunzawm a. Kum 2015 khan Zawlnuam leh a chhehvelah rawṭhing a tam tlat bawk (Vanlalfakawma et. al. 2017).

Mautam hnuhnung bera tam ho khan ngai a awh chho leh ṭan tawha ngaih a ni a, chutih rual chuan mau hmun thildang atana hman zui tak a awm nual niin a lang bawk. Tun dinhmunah hian Mizoramah hian mau pum maktaduai 706 a awm nia chhut a ni a, SFR 2011[1] aiin pum 1489 zetin a kiam bawk.

Muthi lui kama Rawnal (D. longispathus) hung

Tun dinhmunah hian Mizoramah hian mau pum maktaduai 706 a awm nia chhut a ni a, SFR 2011 aiin pum 1489 zetin a kiam bawk. Mautam nghawng ai mahin ram leilung kan enkawl dan avanga mau hmun hi lo kiam a, mau pum zat hi lo kam ta duai niin a lang.

Mizo mau nge ṭha ramdang mau?

Ramdanga an mau te lakah chuan Mizorama kan mau te hi chu a chhah zawngah chuan a chhah lem lo viaua, a pum pawh a lian lo deuh zawk. Chutih rual chuan Mizoram kan mau neihsa te hman ṭangkai dan kawng zawng silova ramdanga an hman dan anga a hman hleihtheih loh avanga Mizorama mau te hi hmantlak lo leh chhe lailet dera kan puh ṭhin hi chu kan duhthawh deuh mah mah niin a lang. DN Tewari (1992) chuan “mautak hi paper ṭha bik siam nan an hmang ṭhin” tiin ‘A Monograph on Bamboo’ tih buah a sawia, hei ringawt pawh hi bawhzui tham a ni ang.

Mizoram mau Phai lama phurh thlak tur…@Saihapui

RIPANS leh MZU lama Mizorama mau ten Cellulose an pai zat an zirchiannaah chuan mautak leh rawnal te hian khawvel ramdanga an zirchian tawh thing leh mau chi dang te aiin cellulose a pai hnem zawk a ni tih an hmuchhuaka (Pachuau et. al., 2013; 2014). Tin, MZU-a an zirchiannaah Mizoram mau chi thum – Mautak, rawṭhing leh rawnal ten khawvel tilumtu boruak thianghlim lo – Carbondioxide (CO2) a eiral hi khawvel ramdanga mau ten an eiral aiin a sang zawk a ni tih an hmuchhuak bawk (Vanlalfakawma, 2018); China mau ṭha nia an sawi ṭhin, Moso mau (Phyllostachys  edulis) ai pawhin a sang zawk nghe nghe.

Mizo Kristian te tan sakhaw dang biakna hmanrua, agarbati stick lo phurpui viau pawh hi a fuh zan em?

Mizorama bamboo vinegar siamtu langsar tak, Pu Saikhuma (SK Bamboo) chuan Mizoram tualṭo ngei a hman duh zawk thu leh vinegar a chhuah tam ber thu a sawi. Thawkkhat lai khan Agarbati stick siamna tur changchawiin mau chi thar, ram dang aţangin kan lalut chiam mai bawka. A ti nasa ṭhenkhat te kan kawm kualnaah chuan Mizoram mau hi a pan avangin a chhuak tlem deuh nain a khawng zawka, an duh zawk mah niin an sawi. Chumi piah lamah, Mizo Kristian te tan sakhaw dang biakna hmanrua, agarbati stick lo phurpui viau pawh hi a fuh zan em? Ngaihtuah tham tak a ni.

Rawtuai – mautuai leh a kaihhnawih

Rawtuai leh mautuai hi Mizo te hian kan ei nasa hle mai a, keini ang bawkin khawvela hnam hrang hrang te pawh hian an lo ei nasa ve tho mai bawk. Rawtuai khawrh hi a pawi em? Khap tur a ni em? Tih zawhna hi a ri a ring hle ṭhin, tun thleng pawha la chhan mumalloh niin a lang. Mizoram tan bika felfai taka zirbinga thultukna leh rawtna mumal tak hi a la awmlo niin a lang bawk. Rinthu leh thu puarpawlenga inhnial ai chuan a taka zirchian mai hi a fuhin a rinawm.

Rawtuai khawrh leh khawrhloh tluk zeta pawimawh chu mau pum sah leh sah loh hi a ni. Rawtuai khawrh dan chungchanga kaihhruaina kan neilo ang bawkin mau sah dan chungchangah pawh kaihhruaina mumal kan neilo niin a lang. A bik takin mau pum kan sahin a upat dan kan ngaipawimawh lemlo niin a lang. MZU-in kum 2014 leh 15-a an zirchiannaah Aizawl veng hrang hranga mau pum zuarho zawrhlai a enfiaha, heng zinga a tam zawk hi tuai tê tê, kum hmasa tuai emaw, kum 2 la tlingo emaw a ni fur tih hmuhchhuah a ni (Lalremsang et. al. 2017). Kum 3 tal a tlin hmaa sah hian mau ṭhang zel tur a ti ṭhuanawp hle a, a hung pawhin a tuar thei hle a ngaih a ni (Salam & Deka, 2007). Mau pum kan sah nasat lutuk chuan rawtuai insiam tur a tibuai pha tih hi khawvel ram danga zirmite hmuhchhuah a ni. Chutih rual chuan sah ngailoh leh a tuai khawrh ngailohnaah chuan a hung a tawta, a zungpui insiama ṭhang zel tur a ti ṭhuanawp thei thung (Salam & Deka, 2007).

Mizoram mau, Langkaih lui kaltlanga phai lama an tawlh… Pic. Courtesy: Ap-a

World Bamboo Day

Kum 2009-a Bangkok-a World Bamboo Congress vawi 8-na chuan September 18 hi World Bamboo Day (WBD) atan a puang a, hemi a chinah kumtin thupui bik neiin hman ṭhin a ni ta a ni. Kumin World Bamboo Day thupui atan World Bamboo Organization chuan “Sustainability = Environment + Society + Economy” a thlang a, mau hmanga hmasawnna ṭhang dik neih theih dan tur, environment tana pawi silo, mipui te tana hmasawnna ni si, ram economy tana ṭhanna thlen thei tur si chungchang a ni ber awm e.

Image courtesy: http://worldbamboo.net/world-bamboo-day

Khawvel ram hrang hranga zirmite chuan mau hmanga eizawng te dinhmun nasa takin an zira, mau hmanga sum leh pai dehchhuah dan ṭha zawk tur an duang chho mek zel a, a awmsa tihpun kawngah ṭan an la nasa hle. Pi-Pu hunlai aṭanga an lo hman dan hnualsuat lovin, a ti hmasawn zawng leh hralh tlak lehzual turin an cheihnum a, a tlo leh zual theih nan a vawnṭhat dan te pawh an ngaihtuah nasa hle bawk. Tin, tarlan tawh angin khawvela thlai zinga ṭhang chak ber a nih miau avangin mau hian environment siam ṭhat kawngah a thawhhlawk hle tih hi hmuhchhuah zel a ni bawk.

Mizorama Bamboo Indutry hlun ber chuan Bamboo matply leh a kaihhnawih siam nan Mautak leh Rawnal an duh ber tlat!

Mizo society leh culture-a bet nghet tak, kan rama mau te hi tun aia hman ṭangkai dan leh hlawk zawk kan ngaihtuah a ṭul a, chu chu kan bat pawh a ni. Ramdanga an tih tawh ang tih ve a, an mau ang chawk luh chiam ai chuan kan ram mau ṭhat bikna ngaihtuah chunga hlawk leh ṭangkai thei ang ber tura kan ram mau te kan hman hi kan mawhphurhna a ni. Chumi rual chiah chuan a sah hun leh khawrh dan te, enkawl dan ṭha zawk te pawh nasa leh zuala kan inzirtir a pawimawh hle bawk. Mau kaltlanga malsawmna kan dawn mêk hi kan dawn chhunzawm zel theih nana malsawmna inthup hi hailang zel turin kan puanven i sawichhing sauh sauh ang u khai.

[1]State of Forest Report (SFR) 2011 hi kum 2009 – 2010 chhunga zirchianna, kum 2011-a tichhuah a ni a, chutiang zelin SFR 2017 hi kum 2015 – 2016 chhunga zirchianna kum 2017-a tihchhuah a ni bawk.

Thulakna te:

 David C. Vanlalfakawma, F. Lalnunmawia, and S.K. Tripathi (2018). Bamboo Ecosystem: An Untapped carbon trading resources. In: Climate Change and Developing Countries (Ed. Banshaikupar Lyngdoh Mawlong). Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK. Pp. 222 – 236. ISBN (10):1-5715-1174-X; ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-1174-3

David C. Vanlalfakawma, F. Lalnunmawia, S.K. Sen, and S.K. Tripathi, (2017). Sporadic flowering of Bambusa tulda in Mizoram: A preliminary report. Sci Vis. 17(3):160 – 162.

Environment & Forest (2010). Bamboos of Mizoram. Environment and Forest Department. Government of Mizoram, Aizawl. Pp. 1 – 206

Lalduhsanga Pachuau, C. Malsawmtluangi, Nirmal Kumar Nath, H. Ramdinsangi, David C. Vanlalfakawma, Shri Kant Tripathi (2013). Physicochemical and functional characterization of microcrystalline cellulose from bamboo (Dendrocalamus longispathus). International Journal of PharmTech Research 5 (4):1561-1571

Lalduhsanga Pachuau, David C. Vanlalfakawma, Shri Kant Tripathi, H. Lalhlenmawia (2014) Muli bamboo (Melocanna baccifera) as a new source of microcrystalline cellulose. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 4 (11):087-094

H.B. Naithani (2009). Bambusa mizorameana, a New Species of Bamboo from Mizoram, India. Indian Forester  135(9): 1291 – 1292.

H.B. Naithani, S. S. Garbyal, N. S. Bisht (2010). Bambusa dampaeana – a New Species of Bamboo from Mizoram, India. Indian Forester 136 (7): 991 – 992.

Paul Lalremsang, David C. Vanlalfakawma and S.K. Tripathi (2017). Socio-Economic Potential and marketing trend of Bamboo in Mizoram: A case study from Aizawl District. Indian Forester 143(9):737 – 744.

Salam, K. and Deka, N.K.R. (2007). In: Kalita, S.N. (ed.) Training manual on Nursery raising, commercial Plantation, preservation and primary processing of bamboo). Cane and Bamboo Technology Centre Bamboo Technical Support Group for National Bamboo Mission, Guwahati – 781 024, Assam, India

SFR (2017). India State of Forest Report 2017. Forest Survey of India, GoI, Dehradun

[Vanglaini Vol. XXXIII No. 221 September 19, 2018-ah tihchhuah a ni]

of Mud and Clay

Pedology is a part of an ecological science that deals with the study of soil. In which, determination of soil texture is an important part. Silt, Clay and loam are the three important particles of soil texture. Their concentration in the soil determines the texture and physical quality of a soil. These are some few lines that I could remember from my formal education about clay and other forms of soils.

There can be no other grand welcome for a bambusapiens than a clump of Bambusa spp. at the backyard of the studio

For me, soil is a growth medium. Soil is an anchor. But to many, soil is not just a growth medium nor just an anchor. It is a medium for their expressions.

Mr. Bhim, a traditional potter at work

Everyone knows about pottery. Normally we get our Porcelain and ceramic products from the Mandarin source. And of course, they are normally meant for domestic uses. Hence, pottery, to me, was more of a functional works, than artistry, until I met this couple in Aug. 4, 2017.

An earthen staircase

Being an art follower, my artist friends – John and Kimtea, a Kala Bhavana Alumni along with Thara, took me to Goalpara, a village next to Santiniketan. While returning, we went to the studio of this couple. Their studio and their house were a creation, skillfully crafted, and artistically conceptualized. It would be every artists dream to have such a studio!

Biagio Luca from Italy was training at the studio when we first visited in Aug. 4, 2017. (L-R: Luca, Kimtea, Thara, John and Bityut)

I have been studying, teaching and researching on ecology for quite a few years now. I campaigned for ecological conservation among the teenagers. I used to talk about living in harmony with nature. I used to enjoy camping in the wild, among the bushes and the trees. But never ever have been connected with nature as much as I wished to.

A house of mud and clay, the studio of Mr and Mrs Roy

Here at Boner Pukur Danga, Santiniketan, I met two artist, whom mother nature matched them together perfectly. They draw their inspirations from nature – the trees, the bushes, the grasses and the socio-cultural lifes of the Santhali community. Even though they could easily get their medium through online market, they prefer the materials which nature provided them. They dug the soil, and prepare their medium themselves.

A ceramic studio constructed by using ceramic and producing ceramics

For a 3dimensional art works like ceramics, shapes and forms are the two important elements, in fact the whole concept is influenced by these two elements. Being a nature lover, Bityut and Lipi’s inspirations of forms and figures which they incorporate in their art works are from nature itself.


When asked why they live in such an isolated place, “I love the culture, traditions and the lifestyle of the Santhali community. If I lived in their village, I would distract them, so I choose a place where I could see them, where I could witnessed their simple yet riched lifestyle; a place near by them, without disturbing them” Mr. Bityut Roy replied.

Mr. Bityut Roy established the Studio in 1984.

“I am not a trained potter, but a painter. My interest and sources of inspiration is from the nature. My love for fine art and nature brought me here” said Mrs Lippi Biswas.

Mrs Lipi Biswas

Bityut and Lipi tie a knot in 1995. Since then, they have been in this field together. They enjoy what nature had provided them. For them, conservation is a lifestyle.

The entrance of the studio

As you walk into the studio, you can feel the swaying of the trees, the melody of the swirling leaves. It seems like a transect walk in a tropical forest, amidst the fog and the mist, accompanied by a drizzle to turn the mercury down.

Nature being fossilized into art work

You can hear the rippling streams. You can feel the chirping birds that are perching around, the croaking of a toad and the aroma of wild flowers blown by the cool breeze. At one corner, you can hear the rhythm of a Santhali percussion and the melodious tune of the womenfolks. It feels like we are more connected with mother nature.

Mr Jubal, a ceramic artist seriously analyzing the art works

For those of you who love nature and fine art, it is a must to visit the ‘Studio Boner Pukur Danga,’ but you have to be extremely careful not to break those fossils of nature embedded in an art work. And of course, buy from them!

The studio itself is an art work!

My second visit was on May 30, 2018. This time, I was accompanied by my lovely wife Rebecca and Mr. Jubal, a ceramic artist from Kala Bhavana. My wife was so much drawn into those art pieces that she was reluctant to leave!

Tea and snacks, in a ceramic cups and plate

You can reach them here:

Call: +919679984008 (Lipi Biswas)

via e-resources: marangburu@yahoo.com; studiobonerpukurdanga; studiobonerpukrudanga

My wife, holding the art piece that we purchased, posed with Mrs Lipi


Khawpui Țhang dik leh ramngaw

March 21 hi “International Day of Forest,” World Forestry Day tia an sawi bawk, ramngaw hlutna leh pawimawhna inzirtir tharna ni atan United Nations General Assembly-in a puang a, kum 2012 ațang khan kumtin hman țhin a ni. He ni pawimawh tak hi thupui bik neia hman țhin a ni a. Heng thupui te hi Collaborative Partnership on Forests (ram hrang hranga ramngaw humhalh kawnga thawkho pawl) ten an thlang țhin a; kumin thupui atan “Khawpui țhang dik leh ramngaw” (Forests and Sustainable Cities) tih chu thlan a ni. World Forestry Day atana March 21 thlan a nih kher chhan hi chhun leh zan rei zawng a inchen ni, “spring equinox” a nih vang a ni bawk.

Ramngaw leh Mizote

Mizo te leh ramngaw hi kan inngheng renga, tun thleng pawhin ramngaw leh a hausakna hmanga eizawng kan la țhahnem hle a. Ramngaw kan humhalh vanga Sap Kristianho au eih kan ni a (Zairema, 1978), chu kan humhalh chin vêk, Bristish Sawrkar-in kan kuta a dah (Inner line Forest Reserve) chu tun hnaia ramri-a kan buai thar lehna lai chu a ni bawk. Ei leh bar zawnna kawngah, khawtlang nunphung leh sukthlek leh hnam nun thlengin ramngaw hian nasa takin mi a nghawng a ni.

Mizorama cheng tam zawk te eizawnna hmun chu ramhnuai a ni

Țhangtharten ramngaw enkawl dan kan thiamloh a leiah kan ramngaw te nasa takin kan chana, kan ti rirala, mimal ram a tam tial tiala, ngaw a chereu tial tiala, loneitu ten loa an neih tur vantlang ram a zim tial tial thung. Mi rethei zawk te tan ei hmuh vena kawng a harsa tial tiala, thlawhhma siam thei te pawh a ngaia an kual zin avangin ram a leng rei theilova, ram a tuilo tial tiala, thlai an thar țha lo tial tial bawk. Ram insem zai dan rual tawkloh avangin ram neilo an tam tial tiala, vantlang ram a tlem tial tial bawk avangin Revenue Minister, Pu R Romawia chuan mangang takin “Zamindari System kan hlatlo…” tiin a lo sawichhuak hial a nih kha (Vanglaini, 23.01.2014).

Țhangthar leh zual teah ramngaw hlutna a thang chho leh mek thung. A zirna hmunpui kan neih chinah phei chuan nasa takin ramngaw humhalh kawngah kan harh thar leh a, tlawmngai pawl hrang hrang ten beih takzeta an beih ațang phei chuan India rama ramngaw nei zau ber te pawh kan ni leh ta hial a ni. Chutih rual chuan ngaw dur (126 Km²) erawh a nei tlem  zinga mi kan ni thung lawia (ISFR, 2017).

Ramngaw enkawl dan (Forestry) leh Mizoram

Forestry subject zirna hi NEHU-Mizoram Campus-ah 1990 khan din țan a ni a, zir tur te duangfela, zirtirtu te an lakkhawm hnua zirtirna an kalpui țan tak chu kum 1997-ah a ni. Mizoram Univeristy a lo din hnu pawhin Forestry zirna hi chhunzawm zel a ni a, tun thlengin MSc ațanga PhD thleng zirna kalpui a ni a, Mizoram mai bakah India ram hmun hrang hranga ațangin zirlai an fuankhawm țhin.

MSc atanga PhD (Forestry) Programme hi MZU-ah kalpui mek a ni

Ramngaw enkawl lam zirna kawng hrang hrang leh zirbingna chi hrang hranga khawvel hmahruaitu nih a, ramngaw leh nungcha tinreng humhalh chunga retheihna umbo kawnga ram tana thawk tur mithiam chherchhuah hi MZU Forestry Department hmathlir duhawm tak chu a ni a. Chumi tihlawhtling tur chuan nasa takin kawng hrang hrangin hma a la mek a ni.

Sorkar laipui pawhin Forestry zirna hi a ngaipawimawh hle maia, Under Graduate lamah chuan ICAR hnuaiah awmin BSc (Forestry) hi kum 4 zir a ni a, MSc programme erawh UGC hnuaiah awmin kum 2 zir a ni thung. BSc zirna hi Mizoramah kan la neilova, sawitawh angin MSc zirna erawh MZU-ah kan nei thung. Tin, India sorkar hian heng, Forestry lama thiamna nei te hlutzia hi hriain State leh Indian Forest Service lamah te pawh duhsak bik an nih tur thu chiang takin a ziak bawk (National Forest Policy 1988: 4.11). Ziaka a duhsak ang ai erawh chuan State leh Central Sorkar hian a bik takin a duhsak bik chuanglo niin a lang. Mizoram Forest Deparment lamin thawk tur chi hrang hrang a lakah pawh hian duhsak bikna chu sawiloh, dil thei zinga an telh miahloh țum a tam ta mai.  National Forest Policy hi ennawna siamțhat mêk a ni a, tuna an duan chhinah chuan ‘forestry lama zirthiamna nei te duhsak bikna’ lam hi a chuang ta rih lo thung. Zawm loh pui policy-a dah reng țul an ti lo a ni mahna!

National Forest Policy 1988: 4.11

Khawpui leh ramngaw

Ramngaw hlutna hrang hrang an sawi zinga sawi lan hlawh vaklo chu ramngawin khawvel tilumtu carbon a upbo nasat thu hi a ni awm e. Tunhnaiah Bhutan ramin ramngaw a humhalh nasat thu leh carbon negative ram an nih thu a thang nasa hle a. A awmzia tawitein tarlang ila, “Bhutan ramin lirthei, industry leh mihring chet velna hrang hrang hmanga carbon an tihchhuah aiin an ramngawin carbon a eia, a upbo a tam tihna a ni,” chumiin chiang taka a kawh chu ramngaw an nei țha hle tihna a ni.

Some part of Siaha Town. A view from Tourist Lodge, Siaha

Ramngaw chereu chakna chhan liantak chu mihring chetvelna chi hrang hrang te hi a ni a. Heng hmasawnna ruhrel nia an sawi țhin tam tak – khawpui tih zauh nana In leh lo din a, ramngaw țhiah te, khawpuia mi te mamawh tur siamna leh tharchhuahna tur hmun hrang hrang din nana ramngaw tih danglam te hi a zualkai ber nisi, an puh phal siloh a ni (Ramakrishnan, 2012).

Mihring kan pun zel avangin chenna kan mamawh belh zela, eitur kan mamawh belh zel bawka; In kan sa lo theiloa, thlawhhma kan zauh lo theilo. Hei vang hian thlawhhma kan siamna leh In leh lo kan dinnaa ramngaw kan tihchhiat ai hi kan chenna, kan khaw chhehvel leh khawchhung thlengin a remchang laiah thing hmun kan siam a pawimawh a, chutiang tih theihna hmun pawh chu kan zuah a pawimawh hle a ni.

Hring ve dup mahse thingkung emaw a ni si lo. Hringlo tawp ai chuan a tha reng reng e!

Khawpuia thing hmun

United Nations-in kumin World Forestry day puala a thuchah, khawpuia thinghmun thatna leh țangkaina a sawite tawite lo tarlang ila:

  • Ramngaw leh thing te hian boruak tilumtu nasa taka a thuhnuai avangin khawvel sik leh sa danglam zel tur pawh a veng thei.
  • Thing leh mau te hian sik leh sa vawnhim kawngah nasa takin hna a thawka, boruak tih daih nana kan power mamawh zaa 20 – 50 zetin a tihniam thei.
  • Awmze nei taka khawpui leh a chhehvela thingphun hian 8°C zetin boruak a ti dai thei a, air conditioner mamawhna pawh zaa 30 zetin a hniam phah thei.
  • Khawchhunga thing te hi boruak thlifimtu țha tak a ni a, boruak chhia leh bawlhhlawh lengvel a thlifim thei.
  • Khawchhung leh a chhehvela ramngaw hi tuihna vawnhimna țha tak a ni a, leimin tur venna a ni bawk.
  • Thingkung leh mau te hian ri bengchheng lakah nasa takin mi a vawng him thei.
  • Khawtual mite tan a rah, a pil leh a hnahte țangkai taka hman theih a ni.
  • Khawpuia thing hmun awm hian nungcha dang tan chenna a siam sakin humhalhna hmun țha tak a ni.
  • Khawchhunga ngaw leh thinghmun awm hi khaw cheina țha tak a ni a, khualzin hipna hmun țha tak a nih bawk avangin mi tam takin eizawnna an neih phah tawh a ni.
  • Khawpui chhunga thing leh mau, ngaw leh phul hmun awm te hian nunphung hrisel leh rilru hrisel nei thei turin mi a ti phura, chu chuan nasa takin hriselna kawngah mi a pui bawk.


Ramngaw humhalh leh enkawl kawnga țhangharh thar leh mêk, Mizo te hian kan ramngaw hlutzia kan hriat thar leh a pawimawh khawp mai. Kan rohlu kan ramngaw te tichhetu chu huai taka kan do ngam a ngai. Ramngaw humhalh vanga Chanchin țha dawng, ramngaw humhalh avanga ‘mi lu la hnam’ tia hriat hlawh kan ni tih i hre thar leh ang u. Kan tihchhiat palh te siamțha turin țan kan lak a ngai.

  1. Rimawi ram, herhse leh ngiau par rim lenna rama siam leh turin, hawh u, thingkung awmsa humhalh ila, awmze neiin, mahni ram thing ngei, kan hip țhan boruak pe chhuak thei ngei, ram dang thing nilo phun bawk ila, enkawl puitling bawk ila. Kan khawpui te hi chenna tlaka hmun hring nuam zawkah, khawpui hlim leh hrisel zawkah i siam ang u.



ISFR, 2017. India State of Forest Report 2017. Forest Survey of India (Ministry of Environment & Forests). www.fsi.nic.in

Ramakrishnan, P.S. 2012. Hill agriculture: vulnerability and management options. National Workshop on Green Revolution in Mizoram. AMFU

Zairema, 1978. God’s Miracles in Mizoram: a glimpse of Christian work among head-hunters (In: Lehkhabu te Pasarih. Ed: Revd Chuauthuama). Zorun Community, Zarkawt, Aizawl.



[Published on Vanglaini Mizo daily Vol – XXXIII No. 67 Wednesday 21.03.2018]

The Bamboo Chronicles

Being born and raised in a family where the kitchen garden is primarily dominated by bamboo, there has always been a part of bamboo in me. Our “Chuktuah huan” (Kitchen garden or backyard) was the place where the chronicles begun. At least three species of bamboo were growing, till 2006. The gregarious flowering of the Mautak (Melocanna baccifera) since 2006 was the cause of the downfall of the bamboo dynasty at our backyard.

Bamboo forest cleared for Lo (jhum field). A view from West Phaileng to Lallen road.

Bamboo, by taxonomy, belongs to a grass family. Functionally, it is more like a wood, and is often regarded as a tree. Mizoram has at least 25 indigenous species of bamboo, belonging to 8 genera. Among them, Mautak (M. baccifera) is the dominating species, occupying ~90% of the bamboo forest of the state. Since time immemorial, bamboo has been used in varied ways. It is one of the most highly utilized natural resources among the Mizo community.

There’s a saying, once a man built a house with bamboo. He used bamboo pole, bamboo flooring, bamboo wall and bamboo thatched roof and cooked bamboo shoot in a bamboo culm, using bamboo as fuel wood. He then consumed the bamboo shoot, and said, “Bamboo, I’m in you and you’re in me.” Indeed, bamboo has a deep impact on the socio-economics and socio-culture of  the Mizo society.

A young girl sells a bamboo shoot @Vaipuanpho

The recent re-clarification of bamboo as a grass, by the president of India, however abstain the Incredible India to claim its carbon trading protocol through bamboo. If only it was acknowledged as a tree, the carbon credit owned by India would be immense, much much higher than those hardwood species. However, bamboo farmers would easily harvest their bamboo without acquiring permission from the government. In other words, bamboo being re-classified as grass makes it unnecessary to obtain permission, they can freely harvest and sell. Its a great news for the bamboo farmers. Yet, the environmental service rendered by the bamboo forests remains the same.

The Bamboo College

I did my UG studies at the Union Christian Christian College (UCC). The UCC was established in Aug. 14, 1952 at Umiam Khwan, Meghalaya by the Assam Christian Council, now known as the North East India Christian Council (NEICC). During its inception, the managing board was so poor that they could not afford any hi-fi building materials. Instead, they built classrooms and other buildings with the locally available bamboo. Since then, it was given a nick name “the Bamboo College.”

The guy who grew up among the clumps and culms of bamboo finally graduated from the bamboo college. The story continues…

The bambu sapiens

After completing PG from the Mizoram University, the guy among the bamboo choose to be with the bamboo yet again. Enrolling myself to do a research on the ecological services of bamboo in combating the climate change,  I think about bamboo, I spoke about bamboo, I dreamt about bamboo and I keep on working in the bamboo forest here and there.

Sub-samples for laboratory analysis. The RE Classic playing its role!

Bamboo leads me to 5 study sites in the five administrative districts of Mizoram. Visiting each sites bi-monthly; measuring the girth, collecting the soils, excavating the roots, collecting the litters. Two and half years passed, those data sets were transformed into some magical equations…and lo! I was permitted to submit my thesis.

Bambu sapiens at work among the Rawthing (clumps of B. tulda) @Mausen, Lunglei district

Since I worked on and with bamboo for more than two years, my friend used to call me ‘bamboo man,’ however, there are guys like Ghani Zaman who has been acknowledged as ‘Bamboo Man’ for his enormous bamboo related works. Moreover, my contribution and experience doesn’t deserve the ‘bamboo man’ title. Instead, ‘bambu-sapiens’ feels more suitable…hehe…

Field work was never a burden when you have a friend who always stood by your side be it storm or rain! Kudos to a research colleague, Dr. B. Malsawmkima

Dec. 2, 2014

Another months passed; finally Dec. 2, 2014 was the day I stood for the bamboo, defending the bamboo and proclaim that “Bamboo is the answer!” After a few sets of questions being answered, a round of applause and an acknowledgement from my Supervisor sealed the day.  Handshake and light refreshment followed.

Meanwhile at home, on the same day, there was a news of a new born baby girl; another member in the family. She is the third child and first daughter of my elder brother. How joyful it was! Its the Lord doing.

Happy birthday to Lalrinfeli (Fel-feli)

The Acknowledgment

In my thesis, I wrote the following few lines, acknowledging those that made me the bambu-sapiens:

I expressed my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor Prof. S.K. Tripathi for his never ending encouragement, guidance and advice. Without him, this research work will never be completed. I am also thankful to my co-supervisor Dr. F Lalnunmawia, a wonderful counselor, who is always ready for me.

I thanked Prof. U.K. Sahoo, the Head of Department of Forestry and other faculty members of the department for their constant support.
Several personnel, who helped me in locating the potential study sites and arranging the necessary protocol for performing the on field experiments and collection of samples, especially Pi Chhawni of Mausen and Pu Patrick Z, the then Village Council President of Chhingchhip Mualpui, are instrumental in the completion of this work, I shall never forget them.

Their names are worth mentioning – Mr. B. Malsawm Kima, a research colleague, who always stood by my side, be it storm or rain, another research colleague – Mr. Lalriliana Fanai and Ms Jeeceelee Leishangthem for their tiredless help in the field work, data analysis as well as in the laboratory works. I am much obliged to them.

I am extremely grateful to Dr. H. Lalhlenmawia, Head, Department of Pharmacy, RIPANS, Aizawl and his staff, Dr. Aduha Pachuau, in particular, for their generousity and assistance in the laboratory works.
The staffs of the Central Instrumentation Laboratory, Mizoram University are the backbone in the chemical analyses of my samples, I am thankful to them.

My sincere gratitude goes to Dr. C. Lalrammawia for his support and advice in shaping up my thesis.

The support I received from my parents encouraged me to reach this far. Words could not express my gratitude to my loving parents!

Above all, I thanked God for His merciful blessings which He bestowed upon me. I thanked Him for giving me all of the above and lots more.

April 10, 2015: Xth Convocation of MZU – “By virtue of the power vested in me…I admit you to the degree of…I charge you that ever in your life and conversation you show yourselves worthy of the same”

To this day, I often asked myself “Am I worthy of it…?”

[slightly personal… :D]


Zirna tluang pangngaiah pawl 6 thleng chauh a zira, mahse pawl 6 thleng chauh zir zawng zawngah chuan ani aia fing hi an awm kher lovang. Hna thawk chungin private-a pawl 9 exam-in a pass leh a; pawl 9 pass zingah ani aia thiam leh hre ril hi an awm chuang hek lovang.

Kan naupan laiin lehkhabu pan te, a kawma a ziaktu hmel chuang, ngaihnawm zet mai hi ka u hian min chhiar sak thina. Ziak leh chhiar ka thiam ve chinah erawh chhiar sak ngailovin chu lehkhabu ngaihnawm chu ka chhiar ve thin. “Tunlai Khawvel Thlirna” tih lehkhabu ka chhiar atanga ka hriat, Upa C. Rokhuma thuziak te hi Mizo ziakmi te kutchhuak zinga ka chhiar hmasak ber a nih ka ring!

Upa C. Rokhuma, Sept. 4, 2015

Pianpui finna sang leh thuk tak nei, zirtirtu, zirtirtu te zirtirtu, sipai bang – Indopui II-na Veteran, Sande Sikul zirtirtu te zirtirtu, ziakmi, pa titi thiam, thil chik mi, pa chak, pa taima, Pathian tih mi, vantlang tana mi inpe, scientist, mi rinawm…a tlar thui teh e! Upa C. Rokhuma tluka Mizo mipui te tana thawhhlawk hi an tam lo khawp ang!

A chanchin tlem

Upa C. Rokhuma hi July 21, 1917-ah Reiek-ah a pianga, unau 9 zinga a upa ber a ni a; farnu 3 a nei. A nupui Pi Lalrinthangi (L) nen hian kum 1939-ah an inneia, fa mipa 4 leh hmeichhia 3 an nei a, tu 19 leh tuchhuan 15 an nei bawk. Upa C. Rokhuma hian 1934 – 47 chhung khan hmun hrang hrangah zirtir hna a thawk a, 1946 – 1953 chhungin sub-Inspector of School hna a thawk bawk. Guru Training School (Teachers Training School)-ah kum 1955 – 66 Instructor hna a thawk a, MSSU hnuaia Sunday School zirtirtu training Instructor hna kum 1967 – 1978 thleng a thawk bawk. Tin, Indopui II-na hunlai khan Sipaiah a tang bawk.

Upa C. Rokhuma, Sept. 4, 2012

Vantlanga tana mi inhmang tak a ni a, YMA President a ni thin a, Mautam tam lo thleng tur laka inven nan 1951-ah Tam do pawl a dina. Ruahmanna hrang hrang an siam te chu sorkar pawhin ngai pawimawhin theih tawpin hma an laa, Mautam tam pawh a ziaawm phah hle. Mautam chungchanga hriatna thuk tak nei a nih avangin Kum 2006 – 09 chhoa Mau a tam leh pawh khan mithiam te thurawn lakna pawimawh tak a ni chhunzawm zel bawk.

Upa C. Rokhuma, Sept. 4, 2012

Vantlanga tana a hnathawh that avang hian kum 1992 khan India President hnen atangin PADMA SHRI chawimawina hlu tak a dawng a, hmun hrang hrang atangin chawimawina chi hrang hrang a dawng bawk.

Synod Boys Hostel-a kan awm laiin tum khat chu inkhawm a kaihruaia, zai tura The Barnabas (Male Voice)  te a sawm kha mitthlaah a lang reng thin! Miin thiam an tih thu te, sawi lawk se tape recorder-a lo record a chak thu te kha a sawi a, Kohhran mipui te pawh kan nui hak nghe nghe. Upa C. Rokhuma hi  Chhimphei Presbytery Inkhawmpui, Bungkawn kohhrana kum 1978-a neihin Mission Vengthlang Kohhran Upa ni tura a nemngheh, rawngbawlna kawnga mi thahnemngai, Kohhran humhalh mi a ni.

Padma Shri kiangah ni khat

Tawnhriat ngah te kawma, an titi ngaihthlak hi kan chak thina, chung zingah chuan Upa C. Rokhuma hi kan kawm chak ber te zinga mi a ni a, naupan lai atanga kan ngaihsan tawh a nih avang te pawh a ni tel bawk ang. Pa upa lam a nih tawh avangin thawn thut chilohah kan ngaia, a tunu, Lalrokimi kaltlangin len kan duh thu kan hrilha, Sept. 4, 2012-ah remchang min lo siam sak ta hlauh maia kan lawm hle a ni.

Sept. 4, 2012: Kei, Upa C. Rokhuma leh Rochana

Kan kawm tum hian Upa Rokhuma hi kum 95 mi a ni tawha, a hriatna that zia leh thil a chhinchhiah theih zia hi chu sawiloha leng a ni. Kan kawm chhung zawnga mak kan tih leh kan sawi tawp theih loh chu a rinawmna kha a ni. Kan zawhna kha a hriatloh zawng a nih hlauh chuan a hriatloh thuin min chhang maia, a rinthu a sawi ngailoa, hre awm angin min chhang lo, “Ka hre hauh lo mai” a ti thên mai. Nia a hriat dan emaw a duh duh danin emaw, engpawh mai kha sawi ta se keini, hre pha velo kha chuan kan awih vek awm si a! Mahse dawt min hrilh duh miahlo leh a hriat loh a hrelo ngam kha kan ngaihsanna tizualtu a ni.

Upa C. Rokhuma, Sept. 4, 2012

Zawhna inkarakik pui pui, rilrua lang apiang kan zawt a, Rochana’n Mizo History leh Politics lam te, thil chi hrang hrang a zawta. Keiin Science lam, a bikin ecology leh conservation lam engemawzat ka zawt thung a. Heng zawng zawngah hian, “keini te chu lehkha thiamlo kan nia, kan hriat ve te hi chu a lau em mai…ka aiin in hre zawk daih ang…” ti chungin kan hriat ngailoh tha tha min hlui a, kan phur deuhin zawhna kan siam belh zela, a hriat loh zawng chu “ka hre hauhlo mai…” tiin min chhang zel thung a. Maumitvel lo pianchhuah dan ni a pi-pu ten an sawi thin min hrilh te, Tut lui dunga sa an pel thin dan a sawi te kha a ngaihnawm teh e. “In hre duh em?” “duh tho mai” “tho mai chauh maw…in hre duh tak tak lo a niang maw…” tia an fiamthu zauh te khan a ti ngainatawm zual sauh bawk.

Tawngkam mai nilo, a chetzia zawng zawng nen… Sept. 4, 2012

Kum 95 chhunga a tawnhriat hrang hrang, a bikin Mizo nunphung leh khawtlang inrebawl dan, ram leh hnam an humhalh dan te, ramngaw leh nungcha an enkawl dan te nen min hrilh a. A In a sak laia a bang tur dap a chik dan leh a thawh rim zia a sawi te phei chu a ngaihnawm tak zet a ni.

Upa C. Rokhuma, Sept. 4, 2012

Mizoram khawchin mumal takin a chhinchhiaha, ruah tui tlak dan, ni chhuah leh tlak hun thlengin. Khawpui rik hun leh buh thar inkungkaih dan a sawi thin te khan Applied science lama a rilzia a tilang chiang hle. Mahse heng zawng zawng hi chinchhuakin ka zawt hman ta lo. Serthlum enkawlnan bika a duanchhuah RK Mixture chungchang leh Par arsi hnuaia serthlum a that duh thu a sawi te pawh kha ka zawhchian hman tak loh zinga mi a ni. Mahse a taka a thil tih, a tawnhriat atanga a sawi a ni si. Hetiang indigenous knowledge hi science & technology than zel nana kawng pawimawh hmasa a ni a. Inter-cropping te phei hi chu tun thlengin mi tam takin PhD degree an hmuhna a la ni reng bawk.

Seiko sana

Hemi tuma Rawmi chi ka pek kha ti tiak thei tak maw!

Upa C. Rokhuma, Sept. 4, 2012

Vawi khat dang leh

Kum 2015, April 29 khan a huana thakthing kung thliin a  chhem tliaka, thakthing project kan khawih lai a nih avangin sample la-in a huanah, a tupa Hriatzuala (Te-a) nen kan kala. Haw pahin a Inah kan lut kawia, kum 98 mi lai a nih tawh avangin a taksa a chaklovin a lo chaurau ve hle tawh a. Khuma mu chungin a fa thenkhat te nen an lo inkawm a. A aw a la fiahin a ri hriatna a la tha a, a rilru pawh a la fim vek bawk. Amah kawma kum 2012-a kan len tawh thu leh ka research ka zawh tawh thu te ka hrilh chuan min lawmpui ve hle a, chibai te min buk hial. Hei hi Upa Rokhuma ka hmuh hnuhnun ber a ni ta. [ Pu C Rokhuman Mautam chungchang a sawi  ka record download duh chuan click mai tur].

An venga raw lianpui mai, mam pel pul, eng rua nge tih an hriat mailoh hi, Hriatzuala nen bawk hian kan va en nghal a, Rawmi (Dendrocalamus sikkimensis) a lo ni a.

A hun hnuhnung

Vawiin, Nov. 23, 2017 hi he khawvel a chhuahsanna champhaphak vawi 1-na a lo ni ve leh ta reng mai. Pa hrisel tak, natna êm êm pawh nei ngailo kha, thawhah avangin Nov. 15, 2016 zanah Aizawl Hospital ICU-ah enkawl a ni a. ni thum hnuah Private ward-a sawn ngam khawpin a tha leh a. Mahse a thawhrimna te chawlhsana, a nupui, kum 2015-a a sun tak kiangah, Pathian angchhunga chatuana chawl ve tawh turin Nov. 23, 2016 chawhma dar 11:30 khan he khawvel hi a lo chhuahsan ta a ni. A tuk, Nov. 24, 2016-ah thlahliam a ni.

Zofate ro dang zawng zawng khuma finna leh hmasawnna kawnga bung thar min kaipuitu, Upa C. Rokhuma’n Mizo fate tana a hnuchhiah zawng zawng hi a hlut zawng chhutchhuah theih loh khawpa hlu leh tam a ni a. A thawhrim rahchhuah tam tak te hi thangtharte tan a zira zir fe tham a ni ngei ang.